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    sıfırdan koxp yapmak için gerekli tüm kodlar


    Mesaj Sayısı : 343 Aldığı teşekkürler : 5574 Nereden : evden Kayıt Tarihi : 06/02/11

    sıfırdan koxp yapmak için gerekli tüm kodlar Empty sıfırdan koxp yapmak için gerekli tüm kodlar

    Mesaj tarafından BOZKURT Cuma Nis. 08, 2011 6:52 pm

    slm arkadaşlar
    size koxp için gerekli tüm kodların nereye nasıl nezaman kodlanacağını göstereceğim
    ama herseyden önce her yazımı dikkatlice okuyun sonra yoq olmuor yoq çalısmıor ban yedim demein

    1)yükle butonu:
    bir textbox açın ve bir command buton captionlarını her zamanki gibi yapın
    commanda çift tıklayın su kodları girin


    If AttachKO = False Then
    MsgBox "Knight OnLine Açık DeğiL...!", vbDefaultButton2, "Dikkat"
    form1.caption = "oyun açık değil"
    If AtachKO = True Then
    form1.caption = Readlong(KO_PTR_CHR+KO_OFF_ID)
    End If

    ve bunun çalışması için bir module açın(ana module yani
    ana moduleniz vardır ztn hazır bir yerden bulun link koyarsam bise olur benden bilirsiniz


    Public Sub snd_Fix
    WriteLong &HBFC678, &H73233F17
    end sub

    yazın evt snd_fnc yi fixledik ama pointere doğru olan snd_fnc yi girin yoqsa koxp çalışmaz
    2)Oto HP-MP-Minor:
    2 label 2 text box 2 combobox 2 check box açın
    leblin birinin namesi labelhp dierinin labelmp olsun caption deil ama
    hp checkine sunu:


    Private Sub Check4_Click()
    If Check4.Value = 1 Then
    UseOtocanPot = 1
    UseOtocanPot = 0
    End If
    End Sub

    mp checkine sunu girin:


    Private Sub Check5_Click()
    If Check5.Value = 1 Then
    UseOtomanapot = 1
    UseOtomanapot = 0
    End If
    End Sub

    bir timer açın enabled : true interval:100
    içine sunları girin:


    Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
    Labelhp.Caption = ReadLong(KO_ADR_CHR + KO_OFF_HP)
    Labelmp.Caption = ReadLong(KO_ADR_CHR + KO_OFF_MP)
    If Combo1.Text = "" Then
    If UseOtocanPot = 1 Then
    Dim CurrentHP As Long, maxhp As Long, HEALON2 As Single, HEALON As Long
    CurrentHP = ReadLong(KO_ADR_CHR + KO_OFF_HP)
    maxhp = ReadLong(KO_ADR_CHR + KO_OFF_MAXHP)
    HEALON2 = HealPercent
    HEALON = Round(HEALON2, 0)
    If CurrentHP <= HEALON And CurrentHP <> 0 Then
    PotionDiff = DateDiff("s", PotionTimer, Now)
    If PotionDiff >= 3 Then
    Skill Combo1.ItemData(Combo1.ListIndex)
    End If
    End If 'end if van UseAutoHeal = 1
    End If
    End If
    If Combo2.Text = "" Then
    If UseOtomanapot = 1 Then
    Dim CurrentMP As Long, MaxMP As Long, ManaON2 As Single, ManaON As Long
    CurrentMP = ReadLong(KO_ADR_CHR + KO_OFF_MP)
    MaxMP = ReadLong(KO_ADR_CHR + KO_OFF_MAXMP)
    ManaON2 = ManaPercent
    ManaON = Round(ManaON2, 0)
    If CurrentMP <= ManaON And CurrentMP <> 0 Then
    PotionDiff = DateDiff("s", PotionTimer, Now)
    If PotionDiff >= 3 Then
    Skill Combo2.ItemData(Combo2.ListIndex)
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End Sub

    ve açtığımız 2 textbox vardı hp text içine sunları girin:


    If IsNumeric(Text2.Text) Then
    HealPercent = Text2.Text
    End If

    mp texine sunları girin:


    If IsNumeric(Text3.Text) Then
    ManaPercent = Text3.Text
    End If

    ve 2. bir module açın ve sunları girin:


    Public Sub PotID()
    'hp potlar
    Form1.Combo1.AddItem "45"
    Form1.Combo1.ItemData(Form1.Combo1.NewIndex) = 490010
    Form1.Combo1.AddItem "90"
    Form1.Combo1.ItemData(Form1.Combo1.NewIndex) = 490011
    Form1.Combo1.AddItem "180"
    Form1.Combo1.ItemData(Form1.Combo1.NewIndex) = 490012
    Form1.Combo1.AddItem "360"
    Form1.Combo1.ItemData(Form1.Combo1.NewIndex) = 490013
    Form1.Combo1.AddItem "720"
    Form1.Combo1.ItemData(Form1.Combo1.NewIndex) = 490014

    'mp potlar
    Form1.Combo2.AddItem "120"
    Form1.Combo2.ItemData(Form1.Combo2.NewIndex) = 490016
    Form1.Combo2.AddItem "240"
    Form1.Combo2.ItemData(Form1.Combo2.NewIndex) = 490017
    Form1.Combo2.AddItem "480"
    Form1.Combo2.ItemData(Form1.Combo2.NewIndex) = 490018
    Form1.Combo2.AddItem "960"
    Form1.Combo2.ItemData(Form1.Combo2.NewIndex) = 490019
    Form1.Combo2.AddItem "1920"
    Form1.Combo2.ItemData(Form1.Combo2.NewIndex) = 490020

    End Sub

    form1 e çift tıklayın ve
    su kodları girin:


    Private Sub Form_Load()
    End Sub

    simdide minor yapalım
    bir timer açın bir tane textbox ve bir check

    timere su kodları girin:
    enabled:false interval:100


    On Error Resume Next
    Dim hp
    Dim maxhp
    hp = GetCurHP
    maxhp = GetTotalHP
    If hp + text4.text < maxhp Then
    End If

    isterseniz kırmızı yazdığım text4.text yerini 450-500 fln da yapabilirsiniz
    ben text yaptım textte kaç yazılırsa okadar hp düşünce minor basar

    checke su kodları girin:


    private sub check3
    if check3.value = 1 then
    end If
    end sub

    ana module su kodları yazın:


    Public Sub minor()
    Dim pStr As String
    Dim pBytes() As Byte
    Dim SkillID As String
    Dim usingskill1 As String
    Dim usingskill2 As String
    Dim usingskill3 As String
    Dim IDs As Long
    Dim id As String
    Dim ID1 As String
    Dim ID2 As String
    Dim usingskill As String
    Dim usingskillid As String
    Dim class As String

    class = GetClass
    IDs = GetID

    usingskillid = class & "705"

    id = AlignDWORD(IDs)
    ID1 = Strings.Mid(id, 3, 2)
    ID2 = Strings.Mid(id, 5, 2)

    usingskill = Hex(usingskillid)
    usingskill1 = Strings.Right(usingskill, 2)
    usingskill2 = Strings.Mid(usingskill, 2, 2)
    usingskill3 = Strings.Left(usingskill, 1)

    pStr = "3103" & usingskill1 & usingskill2 & "0" & usingskill3 & "00" & ID1 & ID2 & ID1 & ID2 & "0000000000000000000000"
    ConvHEX2ByteArray pStr, pBytes
    SendPackets pBytes

    End Sub

    GetCurHp = Suanki Hp
    GetTotalHp = Toplam Hp Oluyor..
    GetClass = Charın Klass ını Okur
    GetID = Charın ID Sini Okur
    bunları dikkatli okuyun


    Public Function GetCurHP() As Long
    Dim pPtr As Long
    pPtr = ReadLong(KO_PTR_CHR)
    GetCurHP = ReadLong(pPtr + KO_OFF_HP)
    End Function


    Public Function GetTotalHP() As Long
    Dim pPtr As Long
    pPtr = ReadLong(KO_PTR_CHR)
    GetTotalHP = ReadLong(pPtr + KO_OFF_MAXHP)
    End Function


    Function GetClass() As Long
    Dim pPtr As Long
    pPtr = ReadLong(KO_PTR_CHR)
    GetClass = ReadLong(pPtr + KO_OFF_CLASS)
    End Function


    Function GetID() As Long
    Dim pPtr As Long
    pPtr = ReadLong(KO_PTR_CHR)
    GetID = ReadLong(pPtr + KO_OFF_ID)
    End Function

    1 list 2 check 2 timer açın
    Atack Başlat:


    Private Sub Check6_Click()
    If Check6.Value = 1 Then
    Timer3.Enabled = True
    check6.caption = "Atack Durdur"
    check6.caption = "Atack Başlat"
    Timer3.Enabled = False

    End If
    End Sub

    timere bağladık ve timere sunu yazın ama önce
    timer enabled true interval 1350 yapın
    ve sunu yazın:



    ve 2. moduleye su kodları girin:


    Public Sub Atak()
    Dim IDs As Long
    Dim id As String
    Dim ID1 As String
    Dim ID2 As String
    Dim MobXIDs As String
    Dim MobXID As String
    Dim MobXID1 As String
    Dim MobXID2 As String

    IDs = ReadLong(KO_ADR_CHR + KO_OFF_ID)
    MobXIDs = ReadLong(KO_ADR_CHR + KO_OFF_MOB)

    id = AlignDWORD(IDs)
    ID1 = Strings.Mid(id, 3, 2)
    ID2 = Strings.Mid(id, 5, 2)

    MobXID = Hex(MobXIDs)
    MobXID1 = Strings.Right(MobXID, 2)
    MobXID2 = Strings.Left(MobXID, 2)

    Dim pStr As String, pBytes() As Byte
    Dim AttackID1, AttackID2, AttackID3 As String
    Class = ReadLong(KO_ADR_CHR + KO_OFF_CLASS)
    If Form1.List1.ListIndex = 0 Then

    Skilid = Class & "003"
    attackskill = Hex(Skilid)
    AttackID1 = Strings.Right(attackskill, 2)
    AttackID2 = Strings.Mid(attackskill, 2, 2)
    AttackID3 = Strings.Left(attackskill, 1)
    If Form1.List1.ListIndex = 1 Then

    Skilid = Class & "500"
    attackskill = Hex(Skilid)
    AttackID1 = Strings.Right(attackskill, 2)
    AttackID2 = Strings.Mid(attackskill, 2, 2)
    AttackID3 = Strings.Left(attackskill, 1)
    If Form1.List1.ListIndex = 2 Then

    Skilid = Class & "505"
    attackskill = Hex(Skilid)
    AttackID1 = Strings.Right(attackskill, 2)
    AttackID2 = Strings.Mid(attackskill, 2, 2)
    AttackID3 = Strings.Left(attackskill, 1)
    If Form1.List1.ListIndex = 3 Then

    Skilid = Class & "510"
    attackskill = Hex(Skilid)
    AttackID1 = Strings.Right(attackskill, 2)
    AttackID2 = Strings.Mid(attackskill, 2, 2)
    AttackID3 = Strings.Left(attackskill, 1)
    If Form1.List1.ListIndex = 4 Then

    Skilid = Class & "515"
    attackskill = Hex(Skilid)
    AttackID1 = Strings.Right(attackskill, 2)
    AttackID2 = Strings.Mid(attackskill, 2, 2)
    AttackID3 = Strings.Left(attackskill, 1)
    If Form1.List1.ListIndex = 5 Then

    Skilid = Class & "520"
    attackskill = Hex(Skilid)
    AttackID1 = Strings.Right(attackskill, 2)
    AttackID2 = Strings.Mid(attackskill, 2, 2)
    AttackID3 = Strings.Left(attackskill, 1)
    If Form1.List1.ListIndex = 6 Then

    Skilid = Class & "525"
    attackskill = Hex(Skilid)
    AttackID1 = Strings.Right(attackskill, 2)
    AttackID2 = Strings.Mid(attackskill, 2, 2)
    AttackID3 = Strings.Left(attackskill, 1)
    If Form1.List1.ListIndex = 7 Then

    Skilid = Class & "530"
    attackskill = Hex(Skilid)
    AttackID1 = Strings.Right(attackskill, 2)
    AttackID2 = Strings.Mid(attackskill, 2, 2)
    AttackID3 = Strings.Left(attackskill, 1)
    If Form1.List1.ListIndex = 8 Then

    Skilid = Class & "535"
    attackskill = Hex(Skilid)
    AttackID1 = Strings.Right(attackskill, 2)
    AttackID2 = Strings.Mid(attackskill, 2, 2)
    AttackID3 = Strings.Left(attackskill, 1)
    If Form1.List1.ListIndex = 9 Then

    Skilid = Class & "540"
    attackskill = Hex(Skilid)
    AttackID1 = Strings.Right(attackskill, 2)
    AttackID2 = Strings.Mid(attackskill, 2, 2)
    AttackID3 = Strings.Left(attackskill, 1)
    If Form1.List1.ListIndex = 10 Then

    Skilid = Class & "545"
    attackskill = Hex(Skilid)
    AttackID1 = Strings.Right(attackskill, 2)
    AttackID2 = Strings.Mid(attackskill, 2, 2)
    AttackID3 = Strings.Left(attackskill, 1)
    If Form1.List1.ListIndex = 11 Then

    Skilid = Class & "550"
    attackskill = Hex(Skilid)
    AttackID1 = Strings.Right(attackskill, 2)
    AttackID2 = Strings.Mid(attackskill, 2, 2)
    AttackID3 = Strings.Left(attackskill, 1)
    If Form1.List1.ListIndex = 12 Then

    Skilid = Class & "557"
    attackskill = Hex(Skilid)
    AttackID1 = Strings.Right(attackskill, 2)
    AttackID2 = Strings.Mid(attackskill, 2, 2)
    AttackID3 = Strings.Left(attackskill, 1)
    If Form1.List1.ListIndex = 13 Then

    Skilid = Class & "560"
    attackskill = Hex(Skilid)
    AttackID1 = Strings.Right(attackskill, 2)
    AttackID2 = Strings.Mid(attackskill, 2, 2)
    AttackID3 = Strings.Left(attackskill, 1)
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    pStr = ("3101" + AttackID1 + AttackID2 + "0" + AttackID3 + "00" + ID1 + ID2 + MobXID1 + MobXID2 + "0000000000000000000000000D00")
    ConvHEX2ByteArray pStr, pBytes
    SendPackets pBytes
    pStr = ("3102" + AttackID1 + AttackID2 + "0" + AttackID3 + "00" + "FFFF" + MobXID1 + MobXID2 + "0D020600B7019BFF0000F0000F00")
    ConvHEX2ByteArray pStr, pBytes
    SendPackets pBytes
    pStr = ("3103" + AttackID1 + AttackID2 + "0" + AttackID3 + "00" + ID1 + ID2 + MobXID1 + MobXID2 + "0D020600B7019BFF0000F0000F00")
    ConvHEX2ByteArray pStr, pBytes
    SendPackets pBytes
    End Sub

    module 1 e de sunu yazın:


    Public Sub skiller()
    Form1.List1.AddItem "Archery"
    Form1.List1.ItemData(Form1.List1.NewIndex) = 3
    Form1.List1.AddItem "Through Shot"
    Form1.List1.ItemData(Form1.List1.NewIndex) = 500
    Form1.List1.AddItem "Fire Arrow"
    Form1.List1.ItemData(Form1.List1.NewIndex) = 505
    Form1.List1.AddItem "Posion Arrow"
    Form1.List1.ItemData(Form1.List1.NewIndex) = 510
    Form1.List1.AddItem "Multiple Shot"
    Form1.List1.ItemData(Form1.List1.NewIndex) = 515
    Form1.List1.AddItem "Guided Arrow"
    Form1.List1.ItemData(Form1.List1.NewIndex) = 520
    Form1.List1.AddItem "Perfect Shot"
    Form1.List1.ItemData(Form1.List1.NewIndex) = 525
    Form1.List1.AddItem "Fire Shot"
    Form1.List1.ItemData(Form1.List1.NewIndex) = 530
    Form1.List1.AddItem "Poison Shot"
    Form1.List1.ItemData(Form1.List1.NewIndex) = 535
    Form1.List1.AddItem "Arc Shot"
    Form1.List1.ItemData(Form1.List1.NewIndex) = 540
    Form1.List1.AddItem "Explosive Shot"
    Form1.List1.ItemData(Form1.List1.NewIndex) = 545
    Form1.List1.AddItem "Viper"
    Form1.List1.ItemData(Form1.List1.NewIndex) = 550
    Form1.List1.AddItem "Arrow Shower"
    Form1.List1.ItemData(Form1.List1.NewIndex) = 557
    Form1.List1.AddItem "Shadow Shot"
    Form1.List1.ItemData(Form1.List1.NewIndex) = 560
    Form1.List1.AddItem "Shadow Hunter"

    form a da sunları yazın


    private sub form_load
    end sub

    (orada potıd de vardı o ayrı)

    simdi seri cs yapalım:
    2. check imize:


    Private Sub Check7_Click()
    If Check7.Value = 1 Then
    Timer4.Enabled = True
    Timer4.Enabled = False

    End If
    End Sub

    timere de sunları girin ama çnce enabled false interval 1350 yapın:


    Private Sub Timer4_Timer()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim pStr As String
    Dim pBytes() As Byte
    Dim skillid As String

    Dim AttackID1 As String
    Dim AttackID2 As String
    Dim AttackID3 As String
    Dim IDs As Long
    Dim id As String
    Dim ID1 As String
    Dim ID2 As String
    Dim MobXIDs As String
    Dim MobXID As String
    Dim MobXID1 As String
    Dim MobXID2 As String
    Dim attackskill As String
    Class = ReadLong(KO_ADR_CHR + KO_OFF_CLASS)

    attackid = Class & 552

    IDs = ReadLong(KO_ADR_CHR + KO_OFF_ID)
    MobXIDs = ReadLong(KO_ADR_CHR + KO_OFF_MOB)

    id = AlignDWORD(IDs)
    ID1 = Strings.Mid(id, 3, 2)
    ID2 = Strings.Mid(id, 5, 2)

    MobXID = Hex(MobXIDs)
    MobXID1 = Strings.Right(MobXID, 2)
    MobXID2 = Strings.Left(MobXID, 2)

    attackskill = Hex(attackid)
    AttackID1 = Strings.Right(attackskill, 2)
    AttackID2 = Strings.Mid(attackskill, 2, 2)
    AttackID3 = Strings.Left(attackskill, 1)

    pStr = ("3101" + AttackID1 + AttackID2 + "0" + AttackID3 + "00" + ID1 + ID2 + MobXID1 + MobXID2 + "5D020600B6019BFF0000F0000A00")

    ConvHEX2ByteArray pStr, pBytes
    SendPackets pBytes

    pStr = ("3102" + AttackID1 + AttackID2 + "0" + AttackID3 + "00" + "FFFF" + MobXID1 + MobXID2 + "5D020600B6019BFF0000F0000A00")

    ConvHEX2ByteArray pStr, pBytes
    SendPackets pBytes

    pStr = ("3103" + AttackID1 + AttackID2 + "0" + AttackID3 + "00" + ID1 + ID2 + MobXID1 + MobXID2 + "0000000000000000000000000000")

    ConvHEX2ByteArray pStr, pBytes
    SendPackets pBytes
    End Sub

    simdi seri cs hızı ayarlama yapalım:
    1 label bir text ve bir command açın
    commanda sunları girin:


    Timer4.Interval = Text5
    Label5.Caption = Text5.Text

    evt koxpun temel alanlarını anlattım


      Forum Saati Perş. Mayıs 09, 2024 9:53 pm